Monday, June 11, 2012

Alternative Energy Sources Info -- By Dave W. Stefko

Let's look at history first as it pertains to Alternative Energy Sources.
The ancient Romans had radiant heat in their bath houses. That was over two thousand years ago. We had Native American tribes living in caves eight hundred to one thousand years ago. They were south facing. We could call them Nature's passive solar design. In 1839 Alexandre Edmond Becquerel discovered solar electric. Geothermal in its natural form has been around for thousands of year. Old faithful is an example. There are 21 power plants at The Geysers, California, making it the largest geothermal development in the world.
Let me say that by Alternative Energy it is widely accepted that we are talking about alternatives to fossil fuels. Solar, geothermal, wind power, and hydroelectric all qualify. All of these have little to no impact of the environment.
The American government pours billions into loans or grants for research by large corporations only to have them declare bankruptcy just after they hand out the bonuses. What chance does the little man with a great idea have? Unfortunately it seems like he doesn't have a "snowball's chance" unless he keeps it quiet and does it in his own garage.
Just so I can qualify myself I started installing Solar in the early eighties. I've installed quite a few systems from pool heating to hot water and electric. I have installed a few radiant heat systems and although I don't claim to be a guru or to know it all I do know a little.
I've observed a lot in almost thirty years and not all of it is good. In the past couple of years I've seen these DIY solar panel kits. I even endorsed one or two but my conscious won out and now I'll say this. They are misleading at best. I will say that you can build a solar panel for around a hundred dollars but I guarantee you will not power your home with it. Sure it will power a light or two but that's it. Plus they don't talk about the need for an inverter. Can you build an inverter for under a hundred? Absolutely not! The same goes for the homemade wind turbines.
The good news is that the cost of solar panels and components is dropping. Power companies are offering "net metering" programs. Net metering is great. When your system produces more power than you use you get credit for it. It offsets you cost during the not so sunny days. We still have the 30% federal tax credit and you may qualify for state incentives.
I see the future as bright because we have choices when it comes to the kind of energy we use. We can do small scale projects for home use. A stream with a two foot drop flowing at 2 miles an hour can create electricity. You can make your own wind turbine to power a few lights or a laptop. As far as solar look around online for companies who will let you sign up as a dealer. Some don't require a single purchase and offer discount prices. If you visit my site please leave a comment so I'll know how I'm doing. Good luck with any project you may tackle and may the sun shine in your neighborhood and the wind be at your back.
I have been active sharing my experience with Alternative Energy Sources Info since the 1980s.
I have enjoyed both installing, designing and learning from those of you who may or may not share my views.
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1 comment:

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